Do you find difficult conversations a challenge? If so, you are not alone! 

Most people feel nervous about embarking upon difficult conversations. However, by using a simple step by step process, you will be able to drive the best possible outcomes, save your relationships and protect the reputation of your company if you're dealing with customers. 

In this slide show, we cover a five step process, which takes you from problems to solutions.

Whether it's difficult conversations relating to customer service, customer complaints, debt collection, appraisal management or disciplinaries, our on-site 'Managing Difficult Conversations' training will equip your teams with practical, proven strategies to drive great outcomes with confidence.

Dealing with difficult conversations with customers?  These conversations can be good as well as bad for business. Understanding how to deal with the opportunities and threats posed by challenging conversations is important for the positive image of any organisation. Confident staff with the skills to manage difficult conversations can reframe a negative conversation into a positive one; preserving the client relationships and repeat business. 

Our training courses equip participants with the skills, techniques, and understanding to deal with difficult conversations in a positive, professional and constructive way, moving the relationship to positive grounds for the future.

Contact the Training South West team to find out more.

Blog image by Icons8 Team